{"translation-revision-date":"2024-06-26 11:36+0200","generator":"WP-CLI\/2.11.0","source":"public\/build\/extendify-launch-eeef3fb63890125360d2.js","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"sv_SE","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"View more pages":["Visa fler sidor"],"We already selected the most common pages for your type of website.":["Vi har valt ut de vanligaste sidorna f\u00f6r din typ av hemsida."],"Pick the pages to add to your website":["V\u00e4lj vilka sidor du vill l\u00e4gga till p\u00e5 din webbplats"],"Home page":["Startsida"],"Pick a design for your website":["V\u00e4lj en design f\u00f6r din webbplats"],"We'll make sure your website has what it needs to achieve your goals.":["Vi ser till att din webbplats har allt den beh\u00f6ver f\u00f6r att uppn\u00e5 dina m\u00e5l."],"What are your goals for your website?":["Vilka m\u00e5l har du f\u00f6r webbplatsen?"],"Enter your website name":["Skriv in webbplatsens namn"],"Helping you to succeed":["Vi hj\u00e4lper dig att lyckas"],"Adding page content":["L\u00e4gga till sidinneh\u00e5ll"],"Installing necessary plugins":["Installerar n\u00f6dv\u00e4ndiga till\u00e4gg"],"Creating a beautiful website":["Skapar en vacker webbplats"],"Applying your website styles":["Till\u00e4mpar dina webbplatsstilar"],"Personalizing your experience":["Anpassar din upplevelse"],"Populating data":["Fyller i data"],"Events":["Evenemang"],"We encountered a server error we cannot recover from. Please reload the page and try again.":["Vi har st\u00f6tt p\u00e5 ett serverfel som inte kan \u00e5tg\u00e4rdas. Ladda om sidan och f\u00f6rs\u00f6k igen."],"Exit Launch":["Avsluta start"],"Redirecting in 3, 2, 1...":["Omdirigerar om 3, 2, 1..."],"Your website has been created!":["Din webbplats \u00e4r klar!"],"Setting up your Site Assistant":["Konfigurerar din webbplatsassisten"],"Starting off with a full website":["B\u00f6rja med en f\u00e4rdig webbplats"],"Back":["Tillbaka"],"Goals":["M\u00e5l"],"Take me there":["Ta mig dit"],"Hey there, Launch is powered by Extendable and is required to proceed. You can install it from the link below and start over once activated.":["Hej. Launch drivs av Extendable och kr\u00e4vs f\u00f6r att kunna forts\u00e4tta. Du kan installera till\u00e4gget via l\u00e4nken nedan och b\u00f6rja om n\u00e4r det \u00e4r aktiverat."],"One more thing before we start.":["En sak till innan vi b\u00f6rjar."],"Next":["N\u00e4sta"],"You can personalize this later.":["Du kan anpassa detta senare."],"Loading...":["Laddar..."],"Press to select":["Klicka f\u00f6r att v\u00e4lja"],"Just a moment, this is taking longer than expected.":["V\u00e4nta lite, det tar l\u00e4ngre tid \u00e4n v\u00e4ntat."],"Creating pages with custom content":["Skapar sidor med anpassat inneh\u00e5ll"],"Setting up site layout":["Konfigurerar webbplatslayout"],"Professional":["Professionell"],"Friendly":["V\u00e4nlig"],"Inspirational":["Inspirerande"],"Informative":["Informativ"],"Persuasive":["\u00d6vertygande"],"Skip":["Hoppa \u00f6ver"],"Added by Launch":["Tillagd av Launch"],"Start over?":["B\u00f6rja om?"],"Go through the onboarding process again to create a new site.":["Genomg\u00e5 introduktionsprocessen igen f\u00f6r att skapa en ny webbplats."],"Exit":["Avsluta"],"Processing":["Bearbetar"],"Continue":["Forts\u00e4tt"],"Header Navigation":["Navigering i sidhuvud"],"E.g., We are a yoga studio in London with professionally trained instructors with focus on hot yoga for therapeutic purposes.":["Till exempel: Vi \u00e4r en yogastudio i London med professionellt utbildade instrukt\u00f6rer som fokuserar p\u00e5 hot yoga f\u00f6r terapeutiska \u00e4ndam\u00e5l."],"Single-Page Website":["Ensidig webbplats"],"All content displayed on one scrolling page.":["Allt inneh\u00e5ll visas p\u00e5 en rullningsbar sida."],"Multi-Page Website":["Webbplats med flera sidor"],"Multiple interconnected pages.":["Flera sammanl\u00e4nkade sidor."],"Pick Your Site Structure":["V\u00e4lj din webbplatsstruktur"],"Describe your business or website":["Beskriv ditt f\u00f6retag eller din webbplats"],"Get Started With AI-Powered Web Creation":["Kom ig\u00e5ng med AI-driven webbskapande"],"Share your vision, and we'll craft a website that's perfectly tailored to your needs, ready to launch in no time. Let's begin by learning more about what you're building.":["Dela din vision, s\u00e5 skapar vi en webbplats som \u00e4r perfekt anpassad efter dina behov och redo att lanseras p\u00e5 nolltid. L\u00e5t oss b\u00f6rja med att l\u00e4ra oss mer om vad du bygger."],"Launch - AI-Powered Web Creation":["Lansering - AI-driven webbskapande"],"Customizing Your Experience":["Anpassar din upplevelse"],"Designing Your Options":["Utforma dina alternativ"],"Your browser does not support the video tag.":["Din webbl\u00e4sare st\u00f6der inte videotaggen."],"Please wait while we analyze your inputs and tailor your experience.":["V\u00e4nta medan vi analyserar dina inmatningar och anpassar din upplevelse."],"Please wait while we build some website options for you to select from.":["V\u00e4nligen v\u00e4nta medan vi skapar n\u00e5gra webbplatsalternativ f\u00f6r dig att v\u00e4lja mellan."],"Creating blog sample data":["Skapar exempeldata f\u00f6r blogg"],"More":["Mer"],"Blog Post %s":["Blogginl\u00e4gg %s"],"Importing shop sample data":["Importerar butikens exempeldata"],"%s pages\/posts created in the prior onboarding session will be deleted.":["%s sidor\/inl\u00e4gg skapade under den tidigare introduktionen kommer att raderas."],"Select your site's tone":["V\u00e4lj din webbplats ton"],"Website title (required)":["Webbplatsrubrik (obligatorisk)"],"Hello World Featured Image":["Hej V\u00e4rlden Utvald Bild"]}}}