import { Button } from '@wordpress/components'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Icon, wordpress, plus, pencil, undo, redo, listView, moreVertical, dragHandle, link, chevronUpDown, helpFilled, drawerRight, image, alignNone, filter, crop, chevronLeft, } from '@wordpress/icons'; import { magic } from './icons'; export const AiImageGeneratorMarkup = (props) => (

{__('A Glimpse into the Arctic', 'extendify-local')}

{__( 'When you think of the Arctic, images of vast ice sheets, chilling winds, and the majestic polar bear might come to mind.', 'extendify-local', )}

{__('AI image generator', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Image description', 'extendify-local')}
{__( 'An image of a group of penguins on an icy Arctic landscape, surrounded by icebergs and snow under a clear blue sky.', 'extendify-local', )}
{__('Aspect Ratio', 'extendify-local')}
{__('0 of 10 daily image credits used', 'extendify-local')}