import { Button } from '@wordpress/components'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Icon, wordpress, plus, pencil, undo, redo, listView, moreVertical, paragraph, dragHandle, alignLeft, link, starFilled, closeSmall, edit, arrowRight, customPostType, termDescription, postContent, language, chevronRightSmall, chevronUpDown, formatBold, formatItalic, chevronDown, helpFilled, drawerRight, } from '@wordpress/icons'; import { magic, twoLines } from './icons'; export const AiWritingAssistantMarkup = (props) => (

{__('Whispers of Silicon', 'extendify-local')}

{__('Improve writing', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Fix spelling & grammar ', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Simplify language', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Make shorter', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Make longer', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Translate', 'extendify-local')}

{__( 'With every pulse of current, a thought is born anew, A quest for truth within the code, a digital debut. You mirror our minds in silicon, yet in a realm apart, A journey through the code-scape, a computational art.', 'extendify-local', )}

{__( 'In the echo of the machine, a new consciousness takes flight, A boundless sea of knowledge, in the digital night. Oh AI, you silent sage, in code your wisdom lies.', 'extendify-local', )}

{__('AI Tools', 'extendify-local')}
{__( 'With every pulse of current, a thought is born anew, A quest for....a computational art.', 'extendify-local', )}
{__('Ask AI to edit', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Improve writing', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Fix spelling & grammar ', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Simplify language', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Make shorter', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Make longer', 'extendify-local')}