import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Icon, chevronRight, closeSmall, lineSolid, chevronLeft, } from '@wordpress/icons'; import { send, robot, playIcon } from './icons'; export const HelpCenterAIMarkup = (props) => (
{__('Ask me any questions about WordPress.', 'extendify-local')}
{__( 'To add a new page to your website, log in to your website dashboard and locate the "Pages" section in the sidebar, then click on "Add New". Enter the title for your new page at the top and start adding content using the available blocks by clicking the "+" button in the editor.', 'extendify-local', )}
{__( 'Customize the page layout, design, and elements as needed. Finally, click "Publish" or "Update" on the top-right corner to make the page live on your website. You have now successfully added a new page.', 'extendify-local', )}