import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { HelpCenterAIMarkup } from '@assist/tasks/images/HelpCenterAIMarkup'; export default { slug: 'help-center-ai', title: __('AI-Powered Help Center', 'extendify-local'), sidebarTitle: __('Experience the AI-Powered Help Center', 'extendify-local'), description: __( 'Get instant support with Co-Pilot AI, explore our Knowledge Base, or take guided tours to make the most of our tools.', 'extendify-local', ), buttonLabels: { completed: __('Revisit', 'extendify-local'), notCompleted: __('Explore Help Center', 'extendify-local'), }, type: 'html-text-button', event: new CustomEvent('extendify-hc:open', { detail: { page: 'ai-chat' } }), dependencies: { goals: [], plugins: [] }, show: () => !!window.extSharedData?.aiChatEnabled, htmlBefore: () => (