import { rawHandler, getBlockContent } from '@wordpress/blocks'; import { pageNames } from '@shared/lib/pages'; import { getLinkSuggestions } from '@launch/api/DataApi'; import { updatePage } from '@launch/api/WPApi'; const buttonRegex = /href="(#extendify-[\w|-]+)"/gi; const pagesWithButtons = (p) => p?.content?.raw?.match(buttonRegex); export const updateButtonLinks = async (wpPages) => { const contactPageSlug = wpPages.find(({ originalSlug }) => originalSlug.startsWith('contact'), )?.slug; const patternsToProcess = wpPages // Look for pages with links .filter(pagesWithButtons) .map(({ content }) => { // 1. Convert to individual blocks return ( rawHandler({ HTML: content.raw || '' }) // 2. Convert back to HTML .map((b) => getBlockContent(b)) // 3. Filter only blocks with links .filter((b) => b.match(buttonRegex)) .join('') // TODO: Filter out patterns from pages that have identical buttons? ); }); // Collect the page slugs to share with the server const availablePages = wpPages .filter(({ slug }) => !slug.startsWith('home')) .map(({ slug }) => `/${slug}`); // Fetch the links from the server. If a request fails, ignore it. const suggestedLinks = ( await Promise.allSettled( (pageContent) => getLinkSuggestions(pageContent, availablePages) || {}, ), ) ) .filter((r) => r.status === 'fulfilled') .map((r) => r.value?.suggestedLinks || []) // Combine all suggested links .reduce((acc, link) => ({ ...acc, }), {}); const linkKeys = Object.keys(suggestedLinks) .filter((k) => // Remove links sent back that aren't in the availablePages availablePages.includes(`/${suggestedLinks[k].replace(/^\//, '')}`), ) .map((v) => `\\"${v}\\"`) .join('|'); // Replace links and update the pages. Failed pages get ignored. const newPages = ( await Promise.allSettled( wpPages.filter(pagesWithButtons).map((p) => { // We want to match \"extendify-cta\" exactly inside the href // So we need to look for the quotes, then replace with the quotes const content = linkKeys ? p.content.raw.replace(new RegExp(linkKeys, 'g'), (match) => { if (!match || suggestedLinks.length === 0) return ''; const link = suggestedLinks[match.replace(/"/g, '')]; // if the link points to the current page or '/' // we should link to the contact page (or default to '/') if ([p.slug, `/${p.slug}`, '/'].includes(link)) return `/${contactPageSlug ?? ''}`; // The server once sent back slugs without the / // so we need to check return link.startsWith('/') ? link : `/${link}`; }) : p.content.raw.replace(new RegExp(buttonRegex, 'g'), (match) => { return match ? 'href="#"' : ''; }); return updatePage({ id:, content }); }), ) ) .filter((r) => r.status === 'fulfilled') .map((r) => r.value); return ( wpPages // Add the new pages into the wpPages array .map((p) => newPages.find(({ id }) => id === || p) // Also include the originalSlug from wpPages .map((p) => { const { originalSlug } = wpPages.find(({ id }) => id === || {}; return { ...p, originalSlug }; }) ); }; export const updateSinglePageLinksToContactSection = (wpPages, pages) => { // Find if there's a contact pattern in the single page's patterns const hasContactPattern = pages?.[0]?.patterns.find((p) => p?.patternTypes?.[0]?.startsWith('contact'), ); // If no contact pattern is found, return the original wpPages if (!hasContactPattern) return wpPages; // Get the translated slug const { slug } = Object.values(pageNames).find(({ alias }) => alias.includes(hasContactPattern.patternTypes[0]), ) || {}; // Map through each WordPress page and update its content return => { // Update each page by replacing the buttons urls with the new slug return updatePage({ id:, content: page.content.raw.replaceAll( /"#extendify-[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+"/g, `"#${slug}"`, ), }); }); };