import { useEffect, useState, useCallback } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Transition } from '@headlessui/react'; import { pageNames } from '@shared/lib/pages'; import { colord } from 'colord'; import { getSiteProfile } from '@launch/api/DataApi'; import { installPlugin, activatePlugin, updateTemplatePart, addPagesToNav, addPatternSectionsToNav, updateOption, getOption, getPageById, getActivePlugins, prefetchAssistData, postLaunchFunctions, } from '@launch/api/WPApi'; import { PagesSkeleton } from '@launch/components/CreatingSite/PageSkeleton'; import { useCanLaunch } from '@launch/hooks/useCanLaunch'; import { useConfetti } from '@launch/hooks/useConfetti'; import { useWarnOnLeave } from '@launch/hooks/useWarnOnLeave'; import { updateButtonLinks, updateSinglePageLinksToContactSection, } from '@launch/lib/linkPages'; import { uploadLogo } from '@launch/lib/logo'; import { waitFor200Response, wasInstalled } from '@launch/lib/util'; import { createWpPages, generateCustomPageContent, replacePlaceholderPatterns, updateGlobalStyleVariant, } from '@launch/lib/wp'; import { usePagesStore } from '@launch/state/Pages'; import { usePagesSelectionStore } from '@launch/state/pages-selections'; import { useUserSelectionStore } from '@launch/state/user-selections'; import { Logo, Spinner } from '@launch/svg'; export const CreatingSite = () => { const [isShowing] = useState(true); const [confettiReady, setConfettiReady] = useState(false); const [confettiColors, setConfettiColors] = useState(['#ffffff']); const [warnOnLeaveReady, setWarnOnLeaveReady] = useState(true); const canLaunch = useCanLaunch(); const { goals, businessInformation, siteType, siteInformation, siteTypeSearch, siteStructure, getGoalsPlugins, variation, } = useUserSelectionStore(); const { pages, style } = usePagesSelectionStore(); const [info, setInfo] = useState([]); const [infoDesc, setInfoDesc] = useState([]); const inform = (msg) => setInfo((info) => [msg,]); const informDesc = (msg) => setInfoDesc((infoDesc) => [msg, ...infoDesc]); const [pagesToAnimate, setPagesToAnimate] = useState([]); const { setPage } = usePagesStore(); useWarnOnLeave(warnOnLeaveReady); const doEverything = useCallback(async () => { if (!canLaunch) { throw new Error(__('Site is not ready to launch.', 'extendify-local')); } // As we add more site structures, abstract these into configs const addPatternsAsNav = siteStructure === 'single-page'; const linkButtonsToPages = siteStructure === 'multi-page'; const stickyNav = siteStructure === 'single-page'; try { await updateOption('permalink_structure', '/%postname%/'); await waitFor200Response(); inform(__('Applying your website styles', 'extendify-local')); informDesc(__('Creating a beautiful website', 'extendify-local')); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); if (businessInformation.description) { const profile = await getSiteProfile({ title: siteInformation.title, description: businessInformation.description, siteType, }); await waitFor200Response(); await updateOption('extendify_site_profile', profile); } await waitFor200Response(); await updateGlobalStyleVariant(variation ?? {}); await waitFor200Response(); await updateTemplatePart('extendable/header', style?.headerCode); await waitFor200Response(); await updateTemplatePart('extendable/footer', style?.footerCode); const goalsPlugins = getGoalsPlugins(); const requiredPlugins = window.extSharedData?.requiredPlugins ?? []; // Add required plugins to the end of the list to give them lower priority // when filtering out duplicates. const sortedPlugins = [...goalsPlugins, ...requiredPlugins] // Remove duplicates .reduce((acc, plugin) => { const found = acc.find( ({ wordpressSlug: s }) => s === plugin.wordpressSlug, ); return found ? acc : [...acc, plugin]; }, []) // We add give to the front. See here why: // .sort(({ wordpressSlug }) => (wordpressSlug === 'give' ? -1 : 1)); if (sortedPlugins?.length) { inform(__('Installing necessary plugins', 'extendify-local')); for (const [index, plugin] of sortedPlugins.entries()) { informDesc( __( `${index + 1}/${sortedPlugins.length}: ${}`, 'extendify-local', ), ); // Install plugin (2 attempts) try { await waitFor200Response(); await installPlugin(plugin); } catch (_) { // If this fails, wait and try again await waitFor200Response(); await installPlugin(plugin); } // Activate plugin (2 attempts) try { await waitFor200Response(); await activatePlugin(plugin); } catch (_) { // If this fails, wait and try again await waitFor200Response(); await activatePlugin(plugin); } } } inform(__('Populating data', 'extendify-local')); informDesc(__('Personalizing your experience', 'extendify-local')); await prefetchAssistData(); await waitFor200Response(); inform(__('Adding page content', 'extendify-local')); informDesc(__('Starting off with a full website', 'extendify-local')); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); await waitFor200Response(); const homePage = { name: pageNames.home.title, id: 'home', patterns: style.patterns, slug: 'home', }; const blogPage = { name:, id: 'blog', patterns: [], slug: 'blog', }; await waitFor200Response(); if (businessInformation.description) { informDesc(__('Creating pages with custom content', 'extendify-local')); [homePage, ...pages].forEach((page) => setPagesToAnimate((previous) => [...previous,]), ); } const hasBlogGoal = goals?.find((goal) => goal.slug === 'blog'); const pagesToCreate = [ ...pages, homePage, hasBlogGoal ? blogPage : null, ].filter(Boolean); const pagesWithReplacedPatterns = []; // Run these one page at a time so we don't end up with duplicate dependency issues for (const page of pagesToCreate) { const updatedPage = {, patterns: await replacePlaceholderPatterns(page.patterns), }; pagesWithReplacedPatterns.push(updatedPage); } const pagesWithCustomContent = await generateCustomPageContent( pagesWithReplacedPatterns, { goals, businessInformation, siteType, siteInformation, siteTypeSearch, }, ); const createdPages = await createWpPages(pagesWithCustomContent, { stickyNav, }); const pagesWithLinksUpdated = linkButtonsToPages ? await updateButtonLinks(createdPages) : updateSinglePageLinksToContactSection( createdPages, pagesWithCustomContent, ); setPagesToAnimate([]); await waitFor200Response(); informDesc(__('Setting up site layout', 'extendify-local')); const addBlogPageToNav = goals?.some((goal) => goal.slug === 'blog'); const navPagesMultiPageSite = [ ...pages, addBlogPageToNav ? blogPage : null, homePage, ] .filter(Boolean) // Sorted AZ by title in all languages .sort((a, b) => a?.name?.localeCompare(b?.name)); const pluginPages = []; // Fetch active plugins after installing plugins let { data: activePlugins } = await getActivePlugins(); // Add plugin related pages only if plugin is active if (wasInstalled(activePlugins, 'woocommerce')) { const shopPageId = await getOption('woocommerce_shop_page_id'); const shopPage = await getPageById(shopPageId); if (shopPage) { pluginPages.push(shopPage); } } if (wasInstalled(activePlugins, 'the-events-calendar')) { const eventsPage = { title: { rendered: __('Events', 'extendify-local'), }, link: '/events', }; pluginPages.push(eventsPage); } if (wasInstalled(activePlugins, 'wpforms-lite')) { await updateOption('wpforms_activation_redirect', 'skip'); } if (wasInstalled(activePlugins, 'all-in-one-seo-pack')) { await updateOption('aioseo_activation_redirect', 'skip'); } if (wasInstalled(activePlugins, 'google-analytics-for-wordpress')) { await updateOption( '_transient__monsterinsights_activation_redirect', null, ); } // Upload Logo await uploadLogo( '', ); await waitFor200Response(); const updatedHeaderCode = addPatternsAsNav ? await addPatternSectionsToNav( homePage?.patterns ?? [], style?.headerCode, ) : await addPagesToNav( navPagesMultiPageSite, pagesWithLinksUpdated, pluginPages, style?.headerCode, ); await waitFor200Response(); await updateTemplatePart('extendable/header', updatedHeaderCode); inform(__('Setting up your Site Assistant', 'extendify-local')); informDesc(__('Helping you to succeed', 'extendify-local')); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); await waitFor200Response(); inform(__('Your website has been created!', 'extendify-local')); informDesc(__('Redirecting in 3, 2, 1...', 'extendify-local')); // fire confetti here setConfettiReady(true); setWarnOnLeaveReady(false); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2500)); await waitFor200Response(); await updateOption( 'extendify_onboarding_completed', new Date().toISOString(), ); } catch (e) { console.error(e); // if the error is 4xx, we should stop trying and prompt them to reload if (e.status >= 400 && e.status < 500) { setWarnOnLeaveReady(false); const alertMsg = __( 'We encountered a server error we cannot recover from. Please reload the page and try again.', 'extendify-local', ); alert(alertMsg); location.href = window.extSharedData.adminUrl; } await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)); return doEverything(); } }, [ pages, getGoalsPlugins, style, canLaunch, goals, businessInformation, siteType, siteInformation, siteTypeSearch, setPagesToAnimate, siteStructure, variation, ]); useEffect(() => { doEverything().then(async () => { setPage(0); // This will trigger the post launch php functions. await postLaunchFunctions(); window.location.replace( window.extSharedData.adminUrl + 'admin.php?page=extendify-assist&extendify-launch-success', ); }); }, [doEverything, setPage]); useEffect(() => { const documentStyles = window.getComputedStyle(document.body); const partnerBg = documentStyles?.getPropertyValue('--ext-banner-main'); const partnerText = documentStyles?.getPropertyValue('--ext-banner-text'); if (partnerBg) { setConfettiColors([ colord(partnerBg).darken(0.3).toHex(), colord(partnerText).alpha(0.5).toHex(), colord(partnerBg).lighten(0.2).toHex(), ]); } }, []); useConfetti( { particleCount: 3, angle: 320, spread: 220, origin: { x: 0, y: 0 }, colors: confettiColors, }, 2500, confettiReady, ); return (
{window.extSharedData?.partnerLogo ? (
) : ( )}
{, index) => { if (!index) { return ( {step} ); } })}
{, index) => { if (!index) { return ( {step} ); } })}
{pagesToAnimate.length > 0 ? ( ) : null}
); };