import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; import { safeParseJson } from '@shared/lib/parsing'; import { create } from 'zustand'; import { devtools, persist, createJSONStorage } from 'zustand/middleware'; const initialState = { siteType: {}, siteStructure: undefined, siteInformation: { title: undefined, }, businessInformation: { description: undefined, tones: [], acceptTerms: false, }, siteTypeSearch: [], goals: [], variation: null, }; const key = `extendify-launch-user-selection-${window.extSharedData.siteId}`; const incoming = safeParseJson(window.extSharedData.userData.userSelectionData); const state = (set, get) => ({ ...initialState, // initialize the state with default values ...(incoming?.state ?? {}), ...(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key) || '{}')?.state ?? {}), // For testing setSiteType(siteType) { // Reset the user's selections when site type changes set({ ...initialState, siteType }); }, setSiteStructure(siteStructure) { if (!['single-page', 'multi-page'].includes(siteStructure)) { throw new Error("Page structure doesn't exist"); } set({ siteStructure }); }, setSiteTypeSearch(search) { set((state) => ({ // only keep last 10 searches siteTypeSearch: [...state.siteTypeSearch, search].slice(-10), })); }, setSiteInformation(name, value) { const siteInformation = { ...get().siteInformation, [name]: value }; set({ siteInformation }); }, setBusinessInformation(name, value) { const businessInformation = { ...get().businessInformation, [name]: value }; set({ businessInformation }); }, getGoalsPlugins() { return get().goals.flatMap((goal) => goal.plugins); }, has(type, item) { if (!item?.id) return false; return (get()?.[type] ?? [])?.some((t) => ===; }, add(type, item) { if (get().has(type, item)) return; set({ [type]: [...(get()?.[type] ?? []), item] }); }, addMany(type, items, options = {}) { if (options.clearExisting) { set({ [type]: items }); return; } set({ [type]: [...(get()?.[type] ?? []), ...items] }); }, remove(type, item) { set({ [type]: get()?.[type]?.filter((t) => !== }); }, removeMany(type, items) { set({ [type]: get()?.[type]?.filter((t) => !items.some((i) => ===, }); }, removeAll(type) { set({ [type]: [] }); }, toggle(type, item) { if (get().has(type, item)) { get().remove(type, item); return; } get().add(type, item); }, resetState() { set(initialState); }, setVariation(variation) { set({ variation }); }, }); const path = '/extendify/v1/shared/user-selections-data'; const storage = { getItem: async () => await apiFetch({ path }), setItem: async (_name, state) => await apiFetch({ path, method: 'POST', data: { state } }), }; export const useUserSelectionStore = create( persist(devtools(state, { name: 'Extendify User Selections' }), { storage: createJSONStorage(() => storage), skipHydration: true, }), state, );