import { dispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; import { useLayoutEffect, useEffect, useRef } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Dialog } from '@headlessui/react'; import { useActivityStore } from '@shared/state/activity'; import { motion } from 'framer-motion'; import { updateOption } from '@library/api/WPApi'; import { useGlobalsStore } from '@library/state/global'; import { useSiteSettingsStore } from '@library/state/site'; import { useUserStore } from '@library/state/user'; import { insertBlocks } from '@library/util/insert'; import { ModalContent } from './ModalContent'; import { Sidebar } from './sidebar/Sidebar'; import { Topbar } from './topbar/Topbar'; const isNewPage = window?.location?.pathname?.includes('post-new.php'); export const Modal = () => { const { incrementActivity } = useActivityStore(); const { open, setOpen } = useGlobalsStore(); const { updateUserOption, openOnNewPage } = useUserStore(); const { category, siteType, incrementImports } = useSiteSettingsStore(); const { createNotice } = dispatch('core/notices'); const once = useRef(false); const onClose = () => { setOpen(false); }; const insertPattern = async (blocks) => { await insertBlocks(blocks); incrementImports(); onClose(); createNotice('info', __('Pattern added', 'extendify-local'), { isDismissible: true, type: 'snackbar', }); // update the general options to reflect the new pattern await updateOption('extendify_check_for_image_imports', true); }; useLayoutEffect(() => { if (open || once.current) return; once.current = true; if (openOnNewPage && isNewPage) { // Minimize HC if its open window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('extendify-hc:minimize')); incrementActivity('library-auto-open'); setOpen(true); return; } const search = new URLSearchParams(; if (search.has('ext-open')) { setOpen(true); incrementActivity('library-search-param-auto-open'); } }, [openOnNewPage, setOpen, incrementActivity, open]); useEffect(() => { const search = new URLSearchParams(; if (search.has('ext-close')) { setOpen(false); search.delete('ext-close'); window.history.replaceState( {}, '', window.location.pathname + '?' + search.toString(), ); } }, [setOpen, incrementActivity]); useEffect(() => { const handleOpen = () => setOpen(true); const handleClose = () => setOpen(false); window.addEventListener('extendify::open-library', handleOpen); window.addEventListener('extendify::close-library', handleClose); return () => { window.removeEventListener('extendify::open-library', handleOpen); window.removeEventListener('extendify::close-library', handleClose); }; }, [setOpen, open]); if (!open) return null; return ( undefined}>
); };